jueves, 1 de mayo de 2008

Suzanna Dreyer And The Berry Tree


Welcome to the information page for
The Berry Tree

Passive Business Income for Everyone
Guaranteed Success... Or Triple Your Money Back!

New!! You can even try it free for one month by clicking here!

Allow me to tell you more about how The Berry Tree works,
about its patent-pending business plan and especially how
The Berry Tree works for YOUR SUCCESS.

My name is Suzanna Dreyer and I am an International Director at Nutronix and a Gold Regional Director at The Berry Tree. I have been in Nutronix and The Berry Tree since February 2007.

I am an American living in France. I have three children; 9, 5 and 2.5 years old. I work at home and have been making money on line for about 10 years. Some good years and some not so good!

I specialize in passive programs and investments. Passive means you don't have to recruit anyone; no phone calls, no advertising, no effort. Passive also means that you may have to invest money and have the patience for it to start paying off. There are two ways to make money on line: Passively investing or Actively recruiting. Recruiting involves work, time and effort, but you start making money almost immediately.

I have finally found my "home" at Nutronix and The Berry Tree and concentrate 99% of my time building this business for my entire team, most of whom are entirely passive.

I can be reached by email or thru the Nutronix Forum and if you prefer speaking on the phone to discuss business, just send me your phone number, time zone and a good time to reach you and I will call you. I also have Skype and ICQ, but you'll need to contact me to set up a time to turn it on for a chat or call.

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