lunes, 7 de julio de 2008

NPN Free


How does it work?

How can we pay for your PRO account in

Well, even though you do not pay anything, it is not a "Free Ride".

You need to help out with promotion and site earning.

This is what is involved for YOU:

1) You signup to my newsletter.

2) Each week I will send a list of 7 tasks to do - ALL FREE.
(you may be asked to view a website, perform a search, signup for a traffic exchange, signup for some other free offer - there will never be any charge.)

3) Once you have completed those tasks you will send me a form filling out your tasks and I will confirm them.

4) These tasks should take no more than 15 minutes per week.

5) Once I verify your tasks you remain in the NPN4Free Program.

6) After your first week of completed tasks I will send you a rotator link to signup for your own NPN account.

7) After your second week of completed tasks I will send you $11 to either your Alertpay or Safepaysolutions Account.

8) You will upgrade your NPN account.

9) You continue to complete your weekly tasks.

10) You collect your commissions from NPN as your downline grows.

11) Each month I will send you another $11 for you to upgrade with as long as you have maintained your weekly task competion.

Ready to JOIN? Go HERE to start the process!

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